Artwork is Copyrighted by the Artists
Artist Biographies excerpted from the exhibition catalog edited by Robin A. Jess & Carol Woodin, Copyright ASBA
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Helleborus x hybridus ‘Havington Red’, Watercolor on Vellum by Annie Patterson

A designer for 30 years, Annie is a plant grower and collector. Deciding to devote more time to painting, she completed a botanical painting course at the English Gardening School in 2000 under the tutelage of Anne Marie Evans. Exhibitions followed in London, the US, France, at the Royal Horticultural Society, and recently in Germany. Now living in the Loire Valley, France, she will continue to paint, exhibit, and grow new subjects. She is a Fellow of Hampton Court Palace Florilegium, with work in the permanent collections of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, and The Highgrove Florilegium.

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